I’m back. With a new look site

Well, It was a while coming, but I made it back to the internet with a whole new look to my website.

I have changed the entire setup and look of the site to hopefully make it a little easier for you all to follow

my jaunts around this glorious country and other parts of the planet. There really is so much to see and do,

I think I’ll be busy photographing for quite a while.

I recently did a tour around Thailand and Bali. While I was in Bali, I did a photography tour with a great guide by the name of Gede Gurnata of The Legend Bali Tours. Great man with a fantastic tour to get you to some amazing places. I would recommend him to anyone looking to get some awesome photos of around Bali. I will post a link to his Facebook site at the bottom of this post.

I must say a huge thank you to my dear friend Dinnae for the amazing patience she had with me

with all the questions I had for her while doing the upgrade.

Let me know what you think of the new site or any of my photos.

Remember….. Smile. It doesn’t hurt, costs nothing and it’s really contagious.

